9:00-9:30 Welcome
9:30-10:15 Keynote speaker
Laura Baranello ~ Karolinska Institute, Stockholm
Topoisomerase, DNA topology and chromatin: a new twist on genome function
T. Takahashi (Institut Pasteur, Paris)
Twisted dynamics: identification of an open conformation of the topoisomerase IB using a highly thermostable enzyme
X. Yang (IJM, Paris)
Single-molecule dissection of the Helicase-Topoisomerase coupling within Reverse Gyrase
11:05-11:35 Coffee break
P. Villain (I2BC, Paris-Saclay)
Introducing an opposite twist: Consequence of DNA Gyrase activity on fitness and DNA topology of the hyperthermophilic archaeon Thermococcus kodakarensis
F. Garnier (IJM, Paris)
Homeostatic control of DNA supercoiling in Archaea ?
12:25-14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:45 Keynote speaker
Corentin Claeys Bouuaert ~ Louvain University, Belgium
Novel insights into the formation of meiotic DNA double-strand breaks
T. Robert (CBS, Montpellier)
Spo11/TopoVIBL, an evolved topoisomerase-like activity for sexual reproduction
M-J Giraud-Panis (IRCAN, Nice)
The telomeric TRF2 protein: A story with a twist at the end
15:35-16:05 Coffee break
M. Lavigne (Institut Pasteur, Paris)
DNA Topoisomerase I represses HIV-1 basal transcription through an interaction with a guanine quadruplex present in the viral promoter
O. Espeli (Collège de France, Paris)
Impact of Topoisomerases on chromosome folding and segregation in bacteria
V. Vidmar (IGBMC, Strasbourg)
Biochemical studies on RNA polymerase elongation complexes and their interaction with DNA topoisomerases
M. Rodriguez (INRA, versailles)
New insights into the mechanisms of meiotic DSB formation in A. thaliana
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